SETTING GOALS in New Month - Edition 1

May 02, 2024

Hello Lovely!

Can you believe it is May?! The year is flying by. One quick action I love to do at the start of each month is reflect on the previous month and think about what I want to achieve in the new month and then WRITE IT DOWN. The 'Power of the Pen' is, like the word says, powerful. Personally, I journal it and also type or hand write it on A4 and paste it on my bathroom mirror. If your mirror fogs up or you want to see it in the shower get it laminated.

It's these simple actions that make all the difference and it doesn't take much time at all. It allows you to take a breath, reflect and think and action it. It is also an action of self-love and helps you stay in momentum.

My goals this month are improving my strength fitness, launch my podcast (stay tuned for more info on this..I'm mega excited), and read 2 books, Brene Brown's 'Atlas of the Heart' and 'The Power of Fun' by Catherine Price (what a cool title)!

Now, we all know life can get in the way so when this happens do not beat yourself up if you missed some days in actioning your goals. We don't do 'Patsy Perfect' here. This is key and SO important to remember. If you miss a day or two in moving towards your's ok! Give yourself understanding and compassion and know that tomorrow is a new day. The key is consistency, not perfection.

In my 3 month coaching series together my client and I dig deep into what she truly wants to achieve. Some examples of goals with clients I have worked with are to improve their self-care, self-belief and nurture themselves, learn to create boundaries and stop people pleasing, improve their relationship with their partner, shifting from stuck to unstuck, support during divorce...client goals are as unique and tailored to them because there is no one the same as you! It gives me such joy to see them blossom, grow, feel empowered & to 'EMBRACE MIDLIFE' (now that's a good title for a podcast, hint hint)!

Happy Days!

In Love & Light,

Belinda x


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